Friday, January 16, 2015

Simple Tone Control

Good morning. How are you today? Hopefully healthy and keep the spirit. This time sharing of simple tone control. Tone Control, shown in its most basic form in Fig. 0.0.1 provides a simple means of regulating the amount of higher frequencies present in the output signal fed to the loudspeakers. a simple method of achieving this is to place a variable CR network between the voltage amplifier and the power amplifier stages, The value of C1 is chosen to pass the higher audio frequencies, this has the effect of progressively reducing the higher frequencies as the variable resistor slider is adjusted towards the bottom end of the tone control, The minimum level of attenuation of the higher (treble) frequencies is limited by R1, which prevents C1 being connected directly to ground. As the circuit only reduces the high frequency content of the signal it could be called a simple Treble Cut control. The use of these simple circuits is normally restricted to guitar applications or inexpensive radios.
In hi-fi amplifiers, tone control refers to the boosting or reduction of particular audio frequencies. This may be done to suit the preferences of the listener, not everyone perceives sound in exactly the same way, for example the frequency response of the human ear changes with age. The room or hall in which the sound is reproduced will also affect the nature of the sound. many techniques are used to alter the sound, and in particular the frequency response of the amplifiers producing the sound. These range from simple RC filters, through passive and active frequency control networks to complex digital signal processing.

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